poniedziałek, 15 grudnia 2008

My worst holiday experince.

In 2002, when I was 9 years old, inexperienced altar boy I was very happy about my first servers’ trip. I hadn’t known yet that it would be my unforgettable and the worst holiday experience.
When our coach reached the destination – a village situated in the southern part of Poland, I was very curious about the condition of our accommodation. I had always dreamt about sleeping on the upper part of a bunk. However, when I went into the building which would be my home for a fortnight, I gave up my dreams.
I was about to cry - instead of comfortable bunks there were air mattresses. I was ready to throw a heavy thing at somebody. It never rains but it pours, so in our guest- house there wasn’t running water. Except for that, in the bathroom which we had to share, there were only two showers for 30 people! When all the servers had come ‘home’ after wandering, they made the longest queue in the bathroom I’d ever seen.
Since the first day of holidays I had been thinking about coming back home. I’ll never forget dog’s barking which didn’t let me sleep. I hope I’ll never have such holidays again.

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