niedziela, 14 grudnia 2008

The most stressful day of your life - a story.

I remember the most stressful day in my life very well. I could say that it happened yesterday. It was Monday, 24th of November. I woke up very early and supposed that the day would be similar to thousands other days, I had lived before. I was slowly drawing my curtains in hope, that the sun would be shining very brightly and the birds would be singing in tree-tops.
However, my dreams were unreal , because it was the middle of autumn. The weather was terrible and I had to go to a bus- stop wearing a mac. When I was going to school by bus, the driver braked very fiercely. Suddenly, I saw a suspicious character, wearing a purple robe. There was a lace- shawl on his freckled face. After he had got on the bus, he showed his machine gun. I realized that it wouldn’t be funny. I was praying when the terrorist shot the elderly lady. Her knee was blooding and I was worried about her life. I was slowly breaking down because I couldn’t put up with the awareness that I was in the hands of the assassin. I decided to break the glass and jump out through the window. I took a hammer which hung next to the window. When I was preparing to jump out, something unexpected happened. The bus slowed down. The furious terrorist didn’t believe that fuel ended up. Luckily there was a police patrol near the bus.
Finally, the assassin was caught by a brave policemen. After that, I went back home and I told the members of my family why I wasn’t at school then and what had exactly happened but they laughed at me and suggested seeing a doctor.

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