niedziela, 14 grudnia 2008

My first week at school - impressions.

It was a beautiful summer Monday. However, it was the most hated day of a year for students in Poland. Namely, it was the first day of September- it meant the end of holidays and the beginning of school.
I was very unhappy because I had to get up earlier than usually. I was yawning all day and dreaming about warm, comfortable bed. I hadn't any lessons that day and there was some comfort in that. I had misgivings with my new school. In fact our head teacher was nice and humorous but I realised that 'short pleasures, long lament'. The next day, Tuesday was better than Monday. I got to know my new friends. They're humorous, well behaved and they have many talents. I had to learn my new schoolmates' names, however it wasn't difficult. The next day I tried to integrate with my class and school. At the beginning I had some problems with finding classrooms.The difficulties disappeared after the first week.
My impressions of first week at my new school was neighter sweet nor unpleasant. However, I'm fully convienced that I'll never forget about that week.

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