niedziela, 14 grudnia 2008

Are people no good?

In my opinion, people are good by nature. They are born good. However, poor living conditions, the luck of love ang safety in their childhood sometimes make them aggressiveor violent.
I can't tell if people ain't no good because it's difficult to say. It appears to me, that people ain't no good for children and teenagers, who live in rich country like USA. I'm fully convinced, that a common dweller of a poor country will tell that people are no good. For example medicore citizen of Kenya probably hasn't got any conveniences like running water, warm meals three times a day etc. The people from Arfica won't tell you that people ain't no good because keen for momoney foreginers want to exploit them as much as possible.We can observe similar situation in countries where there is a war.
The majority of people will tell you that human beings are no good. However, I think they're wrong.

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