poniedziałek, 9 lutego 2009

My room's description.

When you open my room’s door which looks like harmonica, your eyes will see a very cosy and not much airy chamber.
It’s dimension is approximately 4 x 3 meters but blue walls make it appear bigger than it is in reality. On your right hand there is a cupboard with a not much extensive aquarium on it. On the wall behind the aquarium there are some outdated posters with footballers. A sofa is situated next to he wardrobe, in the corner. I make the coach twice a year- on Christmas and Easter. I’m fully convinced it’s unprofitable to do it everyday. My pillows work as ornamental cushions and my room seems to be more romantic and snug. Besides, I believe that wasting time and energy on doing something which effects are invisible, is simply stupidity. My desk is located opposite the bed. The desk is really large. Apart from a big monitor, I can put all my books, notebooks, rulers and dictionaries on it and I’ve full certainty that the desk is sufficiently extensive. On the wall, under the desk, there is a cork board with timetables, photos and lots of various things. Above the board hangs a physical map of the world.
The room is not large so I haven’t much cleaning, vacuuming etc. I like my room just because it’s mine.

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