poniedziałek, 15 grudnia 2008

My worst holiday experince.

In 2002, when I was 9 years old, inexperienced altar boy I was very happy about my first servers’ trip. I hadn’t known yet that it would be my unforgettable and the worst holiday experience.
When our coach reached the destination – a village situated in the southern part of Poland, I was very curious about the condition of our accommodation. I had always dreamt about sleeping on the upper part of a bunk. However, when I went into the building which would be my home for a fortnight, I gave up my dreams.
I was about to cry - instead of comfortable bunks there were air mattresses. I was ready to throw a heavy thing at somebody. It never rains but it pours, so in our guest- house there wasn’t running water. Except for that, in the bathroom which we had to share, there were only two showers for 30 people! When all the servers had come ‘home’ after wandering, they made the longest queue in the bathroom I’d ever seen.
Since the first day of holidays I had been thinking about coming back home. I’ll never forget dog’s barking which didn’t let me sleep. I hope I’ll never have such holidays again.

niedziela, 14 grudnia 2008

The most important things in our life.

I believe family life is one of the most important aspects of life. However, I can't say that it the most significant.
I can imagine that I've got the greatest and the most marverllous wife, who brings me breakfast to bed every day with a smile on her face. My children are as good as gold and they would look after me when I'm an elderly man. However, I don't have any friend, hobbies and my job doesn't satisfy me. In my opinion, family life is important but without visiting relatives and meeting friends it wouldn't be enough to make me happy. When I think about significiant things in life, health comes to my mind. Everyone who has loving people around and lot of money can't be happy without good health.
Consequently, I am convinced, that health is the most important thing. You can't enjoy the finer things in life if you are permanently ill, hospital becomes your home and nurse becomes your mother.

The most stressful day of your life - a story.

I remember the most stressful day in my life very well. I could say that it happened yesterday. It was Monday, 24th of November. I woke up very early and supposed that the day would be similar to thousands other days, I had lived before. I was slowly drawing my curtains in hope, that the sun would be shining very brightly and the birds would be singing in tree-tops.
However, my dreams were unreal , because it was the middle of autumn. The weather was terrible and I had to go to a bus- stop wearing a mac. When I was going to school by bus, the driver braked very fiercely. Suddenly, I saw a suspicious character, wearing a purple robe. There was a lace- shawl on his freckled face. After he had got on the bus, he showed his machine gun. I realized that it wouldn’t be funny. I was praying when the terrorist shot the elderly lady. Her knee was blooding and I was worried about her life. I was slowly breaking down because I couldn’t put up with the awareness that I was in the hands of the assassin. I decided to break the glass and jump out through the window. I took a hammer which hung next to the window. When I was preparing to jump out, something unexpected happened. The bus slowed down. The furious terrorist didn’t believe that fuel ended up. Luckily there was a police patrol near the bus.
Finally, the assassin was caught by a brave policemen. After that, I went back home and I told the members of my family why I wasn’t at school then and what had exactly happened but they laughed at me and suggested seeing a doctor.

What would you do if you knew that our planet would explode in 5 years?

If I knew that our planet would explode in 5 years, I would have fun and do things that I haven't done before.
I believe, the information about forthcoming Doomsday is very very important. If I had such news I wouldn't tell people( except for my family) about it. First of all If I knew about the end of the world, would take as huge loan as I could. After that I would spend money on entertainment like a trip around the world. I've always been dreaming of sightseeing FC Barcelona's stadium and meeting footballers, who are famous all over the world. Moreover, if I had a sufficient sum of money, I would buy the fastest car in the world- Fiat 126p. I've always dreamt of that vehicle. If I had it, I would do some crashtests.
If I knew about the end of the world, I would do some good things for society. For example, I would help elderly ladies with crossing a street or give them sitting place on buses.
I'm convinced that I would also make up with my enemies and apologize my teachers for my bad behaviour as well as for backchatting during lessons. I find it really important.

My first week at school - impressions.

It was a beautiful summer Monday. However, it was the most hated day of a year for students in Poland. Namely, it was the first day of September- it meant the end of holidays and the beginning of school.
I was very unhappy because I had to get up earlier than usually. I was yawning all day and dreaming about warm, comfortable bed. I hadn't any lessons that day and there was some comfort in that. I had misgivings with my new school. In fact our head teacher was nice and humorous but I realised that 'short pleasures, long lament'. The next day, Tuesday was better than Monday. I got to know my new friends. They're humorous, well behaved and they have many talents. I had to learn my new schoolmates' names, however it wasn't difficult. The next day I tried to integrate with my class and school. At the beginning I had some problems with finding classrooms.The difficulties disappeared after the first week.
My impressions of first week at my new school was neighter sweet nor unpleasant. However, I'm fully convienced that I'll never forget about that week.

Are people no good?

In my opinion, people are good by nature. They are born good. However, poor living conditions, the luck of love ang safety in their childhood sometimes make them aggressiveor violent.
I can't tell if people ain't no good because it's difficult to say. It appears to me, that people ain't no good for children and teenagers, who live in rich country like USA. I'm fully convinced, that a common dweller of a poor country will tell that people are no good. For example medicore citizen of Kenya probably hasn't got any conveniences like running water, warm meals three times a day etc. The people from Arfica won't tell you that people ain't no good because keen for momoney foreginers want to exploit them as much as possible.We can observe similar situation in countries where there is a war.
The majority of people will tell you that human beings are no good. However, I think they're wrong.