środa, 11 lutego 2009

What do you think about zoo?

There are many zoological gardens on our planet. People visit them to see large variety of animals, whose natural habitat is located far away. Zoos are also a great way of spending spare time on Sunday afternoon.
However, some people are unconvinced of good sides of zoo’s existence. In my opinion, there are both advantages and disadvantages of creating zoos. For example, our children can explore new species, rave about huge camelopards’ necks or funny elephants’ trunks. They can experience how much mesmerizing can be ordinary afternoon stroll with parents. Although kids like zoos, we all know that animals in zoos haven’t easy life. Mostly they have to exist in cosy cages or pens, eat one, usually insufficient or invaluable, meal. Many zoological gardens haven’t coped with the reconstruction of natural habitats of endangered species so that animals may suffer from sundry sicknesses.
However, I’m fully convinced that it is helpful to establish zoo and let endangered species increase their population in it. In my opinion, if governments order to close all the zoos, a huge number of animal beings will ineluctably die.

poniedziałek, 9 lutego 2009

My room's description.

When you open my room’s door which looks like harmonica, your eyes will see a very cosy and not much airy chamber.
It’s dimension is approximately 4 x 3 meters but blue walls make it appear bigger than it is in reality. On your right hand there is a cupboard with a not much extensive aquarium on it. On the wall behind the aquarium there are some outdated posters with footballers. A sofa is situated next to he wardrobe, in the corner. I make the coach twice a year- on Christmas and Easter. I’m fully convinced it’s unprofitable to do it everyday. My pillows work as ornamental cushions and my room seems to be more romantic and snug. Besides, I believe that wasting time and energy on doing something which effects are invisible, is simply stupidity. My desk is located opposite the bed. The desk is really large. Apart from a big monitor, I can put all my books, notebooks, rulers and dictionaries on it and I’ve full certainty that the desk is sufficiently extensive. On the wall, under the desk, there is a cork board with timetables, photos and lots of various things. Above the board hangs a physical map of the world.
The room is not large so I haven’t much cleaning, vacuuming etc. I like my room just because it’s mine.